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I'm hoping this is the right section for me to post this. I wanted to know if anyone had knowledge/experience on working off point cloud data from 3D scans of actual parts. We recently took up a project which involved getting a part 3D scanned and the intention was to get an accurate solid model out of it since we lacked 3D data on that part.
Now looking at the output (stl/igs file) which seems more or less patches of surfaces (triangulated surfaces) knitted together to form the part, it seems so hard to actually work with this data to form a solid model in ProE. In retrospect, we might have been better off modeling the part from scratch just by visual inspection and a paior of callipers !
Please let me know if anyone has any inputs to give on this. Feel free to correct me in this regard.
Thanks !
looking for the same Ronnie.
We have also done same same thing but because of drafts in model (.igs) we are not able to get exact model tree.
I suggest you to try with Pro-e FRT tool this may give some model tree atleast (i was unlucky with that) .
Hi Ronnie/Ganesh...
When you pulled in the 3D cloud data, were you pulling it in directly to an IGES?
Do you have access to the Pro/E Reverse Engineering module? You may want to pull the data in as 3D points and skin the model that way. You should be able to use the Reverse Engineering tools to turn the cloud of imported points into a parameteric model in Pro/E.
I have training on the Reverse Engineering tools but I've never actually needed them. If you have one of the advanced seats of Pro/E with surfacing and reverse engineering modules, you'll get better results this way.
Of course if your parts are relatively small, remodeling is always an option, too.
If you need help with the reverse engineering tools, let me know.