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Moving dimensions


Moving dimensions

Hi all, does anyone else have a problem with moving dimensions? I have a simple drawing, of a single part, with a few views. I painstakingly position all my dimensions within each view, end result, a nice tidy drawing. I save it, close it, job done. That is, until next time i open the drawing, all the dimensions have moved position. They haven't moved views, just moved position within that view, no longer equally spaced. As an experiment, i repositioned all the dimensions again, saved the drawing again, erased from session, opened again, & once again all the dimensions had shifted. I repeated this procedure 3 times, & each time the dimensions moved. The strange thing is, each time the result is different, the dimensions moved to a slightly different location than the time before. This is not the first time i have experienced this. Any clues, anyone? Creo 2 by the way.



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I recommend opening a Tech Support case for this one. These are typically data-specific issues that likely require a drawing fix.

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