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This seems like an incredibly easy thing to do, but I can’t figure it out…
How does one make a note with defined line breaks?
For instance, how would I write this:
Drawing Notes:
1. A
2. B
2.1 BB
2.2 BBB
3. C
Indeed, the default is to put up a one-line-at-a-time field to create a note. However, you can edit this note in the editor by selecting the note's properties.
If I need to type or paste significant text into a note, I often just place an "xx" on the drawing and then edit the note properties after the fact. Now I can cut and paste and edit to my heart's content.
An idea to provide a note option to making a one line note or open the text editor directly would be nice. Maybe it is even possible, but I certainly don't know how one might access it. Problem is, this XTOP dialog is as old as Pro|E and these menus simply don't get a lot of attention.
Aha... yes, you do have the option to place a note that is saved as a file
Welcome to the forum Mathew!
wow, how did you get your fonts so clean?
I do all my notes in psPad since the default editor is embarassingly horrible.
This would even be an amazing improvement.
The programmers there can't even do this?
Those are the default installed UI fonts, Ryan. Windows 7, 64bit.
As Antonius noted, when placing a note, you do not get a real editor, so, I do exactly what he suggested, and edit afterwards. Yes, it's a real pain and should have been fixed long ago, but.......hey, we got ribbons instead, WooHoo!
You can just type in the text entry for note creation. The Note will end if you use Enter on a blank line, so if the line has no printing characters, use a space. The text entry also doesn's accept Paste of multiple lines.
If you want to edit the note, the Properties selection will get you what you want, though if you are using a fixed-width font, Notepad or some other plain text editor will be less painful to get columns of letters to line up.
True, you can initiate notepad fom the multiline properties editor.
How do we change the default 3rd party text editor again?
i asked before, feedback was it's not possible. this would be awesome.
I suppose there is hope. Even though there is the XTOP UI for model note annotation, you get presented with a multiline editor. PTC could include this in the detailing UI as well.
After all, isn't PTC striving for a common UI?
+1 Done!