Starting with Creo Element Pro M050 I started to have this issue;
When I open a drawing that when I saved last time maybe in a previus build and was ok after builf M050 the number of digits of some dimensions apears set to more than 10 digits.
I did some tests and when I open the drawig in previous builds the dimensions came properly.
This I believe it's cause but the new option added in Creo Elements Pro (Roud dimensioning or something like this in dimensions propertis)
What is interestig is there was no problme until build M050
Somebody has this issue?
I have not faced any such problem
I am currently using WF-5 M080
Was your CONFIG Or DTL file changed?
Have you uninstalled the previous build and updated the new Datecode?
If yes try to have your old config.pro and your .dtl file in the STARTUP directory and properly remapped to the locations..
Amar Karthi.