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Opening PDF File from within an Intralink Workspace


Opening PDF File from within an Intralink Workspace

We are having issues opening any PDF file, amongst others, from within a workspace in Intralink 3.4 M060. We have the Object parameters set-up as "usual" ($PDF_lanuch_command #FILE), but we can't get it to open the selected file in Acrobat. Does anybody have any ideas? I've already looked through the knowledge database and searched this exploder with no luck.



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This issue is now fixed. We needed to replace the typical &PDM_ADOBE #FILE command (where PDM_ADOBE was set to "C:\program files\adobe\adobe.exe") with:

noversion network_path:\winfile.bat #FILE

The winfile.bat contained only the line:

%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9

This works now for any typically non-versioned computer file we assign it to.

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