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Creo 4.0- Windchill 11.0
We have some spools that were defined with an .xml file.
The author of those files is no longer with us.
Is there any way to extract that .xml file to be able to modify it, or at the very least know where the file came from in order to attempt to retrieve it?
Was not able to see any obvious references in Creo or Windchill to any schematics data either.
Solved! Go to Solution.
If you have the existing creo harness design then you can save the xml file by selecting the
Cabling->Logical Data->Export->Creo Schematic. This option will save a xml-file that contains sections for "Components", "spools", and "Wires and cables". We actually regularly use this option to read the wire and cable lengths to our schematic diagram. I attached here an example xml (flat_test1.xml) which I just exported from a demo design.
I do not know if this option works in a case where you have manually routed everything.
I'm not sure what you mean by extract and modify? If you have the .xml file you can edit that file directly. Xml files are, after all, just text files...
Attached is a single spool spool_sample.xml file. Current part number is the "1172L SL005". You could easily edit that XML file to 1173L by adding white wire to the end (and edit the other needed parameters also). Then you read the file to creo with the import->creo schematics->whole XML. Then create the spool with the Spools->Create.
Now that you have created the spool from the logical file (you see the spool on your model tree), you have an option to edit the spool in Creo also (Spool->Edit command). After editing the spool you can save the spool with the dialog (see image) to a .spl file. The .spl file is also just a text file but the Spool->read menu wants to read these .spl files.
Path for the .spl files is controlled by the "pro_spool_dir"-configuration parameter.
Lars KaputtCbl
Our problem is we don't have the .xml file.
I was asking if there is a way to extract that data from Creo or at least find out where it might have been stored on someone else's PC so we could get access to it.
If you have the existing creo harness design then you can save the xml file by selecting the
Cabling->Logical Data->Export->Creo Schematic. This option will save a xml-file that contains sections for "Components", "spools", and "Wires and cables". We actually regularly use this option to read the wire and cable lengths to our schematic diagram. I attached here an example xml (flat_test1.xml) which I just exported from a demo design.
I do not know if this option works in a case where you have manually routed everything.
Thank you for your help!
At the very least we have something we can start to work with if needed.