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For some reason, all my exported PDF file sizes are huge. May i know the ways to optimize the file size.
Here is the pen table details we are using.
! letter_color yellow
! highlite_color red
! drawing_color(geometry) white (pen1)
! background_color dark blue
! half_tone_color gray
! edge_highlite_color blue
! dimmed_color gray
! magenta magenta
! section_color cyan
!pen 1 Geometry, curves, volume
!pen 2 Letter
!pen 3 Hidden
!pen 4 Highlight
!pen 5 Sheetmetal
!pen 6 Section
!pen 7 Dimmed Menu
!pen 8 Edge High
! current settings for Pro/E drawings
pen 1 color 0.0 0.0 0.0; thickness 0.007 cm
pen 2 color 0.0 0.0 0.0; thickness 0.007 cm
pen 3 color 0.0 0.0 0.0; thickness 0.010 cm
pen 4 thickness 0.10 cm;color 0 0 0;SYSTEM_SELECTED_COLOR
pen 5 color 0.0 0.0 0.0; thickness 0.010 cm
pen 6 color 0.0 0.0 0.0; thickness 0.010 cm
pen 7 color 0.0 1.0 0.0; thickness 0.007 cm
pen 8 color 0.0 0.0 0.0; thickness 0.030 cm
please provide exact steps you use to get PDF file.
Your pentable is not the source of the problem.
Upload some test files.
@MB_10357724 wrote:
Check this settings
Stroke all fonts option affects PDF size, if a drawing contains a lot of texts displayed using TTF font.
I use CutePDF printer rather than Save As PDF. Using Print, you have the option to do a Complex overlap check. This greatly reduces the file size for me. If there is a solution to do this same overlap check using Save As, I would certainly consider using it myself. I have tried so many different options and nothing else works this well.
There is a time punishment for using complex overlap check. On a large drawing, it can take minutes to create the PDF.