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PDF problems


PDF problems

Try this things:

  1. Make a drawing with a lot of text.
  2. Make this text by some ttf or otf font.
  3. Save it in PDF by Pro/E pdf printer with "All stroke fonts" and layers.

Layers is not so important, but we need them (I need them) - other printers like PDFCreators can't create layered PDFs. Ok.

Let's look on size of this PDF. - Huge, huge a lot. (My record is about 90Mb - A3 - 3sheets)

For some reason PTC can't just put ttf or otf font in pdf container like others. And get construction (30kb nofontPDF)+(23Kb TTF)= (53kb PDF)

Pro/E start draw all lines and sublines and triangles between each 3 point. For example if I draw only point & open it in Inkscape I'll get 72 different object.

We are talking about new platform, Creo & all bla-bla-bla , but we can't create normal work with Unicode, can't make normal PDF creation... Creo - - what are you talking about?

Hey, PTC, let's do something with it!!! (clients in a rage) We pay you a lot and get only your dream about cool future. Each your product have bugs, no stable version... but in this post only about PDF problem. The worst thing that you know about it & nothing do. This troubles with PDFs began a long time ago - no reaction. For me get support in local Russian (I am from Russia, but I am a human too) forums easy than in official support. Russian support just forward serious questions to English, in result we (I know a lot of people in the same situation) have nothing.

Thanks for attention.

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Using Stroke All Fonts turns everything into lines. If you look at the PDF theres no fonts in it, and its massive.

If under fonts you go Use TrueType Fonts, the TTF fonts are embedded in the PDF.

File size is much smaller - tried it on a file and the PDF goes from 60M to 60k.

PDFs are usable in WF5 - not so sure about earlier versions. What version are you using?


unfortunally your advice can be used for users, who "use ENGLISH language", only (I hope Western Europe, too). Users using Eastern Europe languages are lost. If you are interested to help us, please create a drawing containing RUSSIAN and CZECH special characters and try to create PDF using Use TrueType Fonts option. In case that you will succeed please post your drawing, PDF and TTF font.


Martin Hanák

I would to say something like: "Are you kidding? Most (a lot) of PTC programmers from Russia or postUSSR territory (mean they know Russian & use Cyrillic symbols, maybe not at work but at home for sure) & even 1st creator of ProE core was Leonid - russian man" But

Anyway, I want resolve this problem. I want have small PDF file with any font that I need & anybody can see it the same. See in attach what you asked, but without CZECH.

7z - 7zip

WF4 from 60 (maybe earlier) to 170 builds

WF5 from F000 to 60 builds

All of them have this bug.

I understand that if I use "Use TrueType Fonts" I get small pdf, but I use my own ttf font, now others have it. That' why I need include font in PDF.

By the way, my font it's real normal drafting ISO font, but for some reason ProE don't have it. Only fake & ugly variants took from the Age of Reptiles. They are not right at all.

For some reasons, I can't add omething to my 1st post.

Look: Video Link : 1504

That's what I get & what I am talking about.

For some strange reasons it is considered normal work. Wakeup - 21 century already now.


I tested your drawing. When I set RUSSIAN as ProE languange, then I will get correct PDF. See attachment. If you have additional question, please let me know.


Martin Hanák

Ok, looking great. Let's understand how you made it.

What build of WF are you use? (Before WF4-060 my drawings looked the same)

I see in PSF file: DESC=proeWildfire5_M060 - is it this?

Are you use internal WF program for it? Or it was something like PDFCreator (They can do the same small but not support layers)

Could you put in Attach your config files? (pro, brushes & some that you think is important)


1.] I tested your drawing in ProE WF5 M060.

2.] I generated PDF file in the following way ... I opened your drawing, activated Publish tab, set PDF option and clicked Export.

3.] I didn't use any config file.

4.] The only settings I did was adding the following line at the end of PSF file:


Note: In ProE WF5 you can switch between Stroke... and Use TTF... options during PDF (or Postscript) file generation. I think this possibility is not present in ProE WF4, it is new in ProE WF5. Therefore in ProE WF5 you can create small files, whereas in ProE WF4 not.


Martin Hanák


I have this situation.

Could you try create though ndx?

I made & check this in WF4 & WF5.

Maybe somebody know. Why ProE use symbols (diameter & etc.) only from special.fnt, why not use them directly from otf/ttf?


your OTF font doesn't contain "special" characters. See attachment.


Martin Hanák

Ok. More clear again. But...



I start use GOST_AU.ttf.

I get contradictory results. Font looking good in ProE, but whithout symbols. They are ProE symbols still. PDF has not right picture at all.

I didn't use this (GOST_AU.ttf) font before, because this reason. But also when I opened both fonts (GOST_AU.ttf & font.otf) in FontForge I found, that GOST_AU.ttf have more correct structure. All symbols in right places.


What unicode number need to be in diameter symbol? I whant use only ttf/otf. I can change font to right way.

What about this GOST_AU.ttf font? Could you check it?


I give up ...

Below you can find my final notes:


Note 1


If you use GOST_AU.ttf then you can:

1.] type your note in Word (including your special characters)

2.] create note in ProE (eg. containing characters 123)

3.] edit note in ProE ... copy&paste from Word into ProE

Now you can see note displayed in GOST_AU.ttf font (including your special characters) in ProE drawing.


Note 2


Some TTF fonts "are not fully compatible with ProE". This is the case of GOST_AU.ttf.
The incompatibility means that (during PDF export):

1.] ProE puts LATIN characters into PDF instead of CYRILLIC characters, because some properties of the font are incorrectly interpreted.

2.] ProE ignores some characters (eg. your special characters). It looks like these characters are outside of authorized range.

This is bug of ProE (from my point of view).




Martin Hanák

to "Note 1":

1) As I remember we can change "Text Symbol" table. I mean, if change codes of diameter unicode symbol, else it will be possible write symbols without Word.

2) Problem is that ProE put diameter symbol in sizes & do it independent from "Text Symbol" table. It will put old codes.

to "Note 2"

1) Where I can read more about "not fully compatible with ProE" & "outside of authorized range"? Or maybe you know some specialist in PTC (as I understand you not work in PTC, right?)

2) Is it a problem of ProE core or it's PDF module bug? What do you think?

3) Maybe it's possible change this font somehow for be in autorized range? font.otf - look good in this side. Do you know what need to be changed or what area cover this target (i mean, in what direction I need look/search for understand more?)?

"This is bug of ProE" - yes, that what I am tolking about. I spend a lot time to this problem. I even don't remember what I tried. I just remember that this is minefield & not resolved problem.


below you can find my comments...

1) As I remember we can change "Text Symbol" table. I mean, if change codes of diameter unicode symbol, else it will be possible write symbols without Word.

"Text Symbol" table is related to special.fnt (ProE font). It has no relationship with Unicode - it represents the past of ProE...

2) Problem is that ProE put diameter symbol in sizes & do it independent from "Text Symbol" table. It will put old codes.

This is the current ProE "feature" (or bug ...). I don't know if there is some workaround.

1) Where I can read more about "not fully compatible with ProE" & "outside of authorized range"? Or maybe you know some specialist in PTC (as I understand you not work in PTC, right?)

You are right, I am not PTC employee. Unfortunatelly I don't have any idea, where to find additional information.

My opinion: PTC is not interested to solve these problems. Maybe Eastern Europe doesn't pay enough money to PTC (through new licenses and maintenance).

2) Is it a problem of ProE core or it's PDF module bug? What do you think?

My opinion: This is a bug of PDF module (and also a bug of the module which generates Postscript files).

3) Maybe it's possible change this font somehow for be in autorized range? font.otf - look good in this side. Do you know what need to be changed or what area cover this target (i mean, in what direction I need look/search for understand more?)?

No idea.

"This is bug of ProE" - yes, that what I am tolking about. I spend a lot time to this problem. I even don't remember what I tried. I just remember that this is minefield & not resolved problem.

We have to wait, until PTC decides to add full support for Eastern Europe... I am not sure if this time will come...


Martin Hanák

I found some info. But yes, of course, not from PTC. Strange situation - this is PTC community, but no-one PTC's specialist. Why they organize it at all? Hey, PTC, are you here at all?! Say "Hello!", somebody, just we be sure that PTC not die et.

I made video with this problem:

Video Link : 1511

According this site (Unicode Consortium) codes for Cyrillic symbols start from 04 (0400-04FF). Pro/E open it correct, but PDF generator use only 00 (0000-00FF) symbols. This range only for Latin symbols today.

Font that I sand first was made in the same time with PDF module, I guess. Today rules are change, but PDF module is old.


because I did some tests in the past, I know that:

1.] PDF module must be able to convert TTF font (used in ProE) into Adobe font (used in PDF).

2.] I know that two types of Adobe fonts exist:

2a.] Adobe Type 1 font (limited to 256 characters)

2b.] Adobe CID-keyed font (It was developed to support ideographic East Asian character sets, as these comprise many more characters than the Latin, Greek and Cyrillic writing systems).

3.] I am able to create Adobe Type 1 font and use it to convert Postscript file into PDF by Ghostscript.

I use ttf2pt1 software to do this.

4.] I don't understand Adobe CID-keyed font.

5.] PDF module is full of bugs.


Martin Hanák
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