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PN Issue for Connectors, Backshells and all things Electrical


PN Issue for Connectors, Backshells and all things Electrical

When modeling many electrical parts we run into issues with illegal
characters in the part numbers.

For example:

A standard RS232 connector has a part number of M24308/4-1F. Pro-E does not
allow the use of the "/" character in the part number. Changing the "/" to
another character causes problems for logistics and technicians when they
use the BOM or drawing PL to order the part as the part with the replacement
character actually does not exist.

Any ideas on how to handle this problem?

Dennis R. Boyum, Principal Engineer, SSAI

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I've ran into the same issue with our legacy part numbers (using &, /). To use old part numbers I created a parameter PRTNO as a string and use it for BOM reporting.

Rodney WF3 M140

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