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Hi, I am part of team 7171 Shockwave in FTC, and I currently cannot work on PTC Creo Parametric. The moment I open the program, a message shoots up and says "A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." I have not been able to operate the program for two days, and Windows has done nothing to solve this problem. Can someone help me fix this?
Creo is pretty picky about the system you run it on. If you confirmed compatibility, I'm going to suggest you have an OpenGL problem and you can override this with setting the graphics to win32gdi in
This is searchable and is normally the first place we look if nothing else stands out.
For the time being, please post your system and OS specs and the version you are loading.
P.S. I wonder if -anyone- is ever notified by M$ of a bug fix
If it used to work and now doesn't then I'm stumped.
A rapid failure is usually due to the software trying to access something that isn't present and the main thing is going to be the graphics system. This presumes there is enough memory and disk space for Creo to run. The following is related to the graphics subsystem.
If this is recently installed and never worked then see:
Creo 2.0 Parametric Fatal Error encountered
These are problems related to the interaction between Pro Engineer and the underlying OS, graphics card, and graphics card drivers. This is in contrast to Pro Engineer Graphics Problems which deal with the way Pro Engineer generates graphics, such as adding textures and precision of the apparent display.
Pro Engineer - Graphics Introduction
Graphics debugging
PTC Creo - Graphics card issues
PTC Creo - Creo 2.0 Graphics Card Issues - Overview
PTC Creo - Screen does not repaint on Dell
Problem – Creo does not repaint the screen.
Solution - Dell recommended disabling the Optimus option in the BIOS and this fixes the problem. To do this hit F12 during boot, enter BIOS settings, look under Video, uncheck “Optimus”.
ghosted dialog boxes
black backgrounds
mix of shaded and wireframe model display
everything is flipped over the horizontal axis
break lines
partial view splines visible
broken projected view
1) Update display drivers
Make a Restore Point, or full backup before updating graphics drivers
make sure you understand how to use the Restore Point or backup to restore your operating system and data
Look for drivers from the makers of the computer first, then the maker of the card, finally from the maker of the operating system
Note: sometimes the most compatible graphics driver version is not the latest version. Be prepared to look for and try older versions.
For AMD/ATI cards try
2) Avoid using hardware acceleration
Mostly avoided by setting the config option "graphics win32_gdi"
Alternatively try "graphics d3d" for Creo 1, Creo 2, Creo 3
see Pro Engineer - Configuration Options
see Pro Engineer Setting Config Options
Also possible to add startup command option
1. Right Click on software (Creo) shortcut icon > Properties
2. Click in Target path and move cursor to extreme right (at the end of .....exe")
3. Add a space after .exe"
4. Type -g:win32_gdi > Apply > Ok
3) Use hardware acceleration, but disable some features (try one at a time)
May also benefit from the following config options, Creo Parametric 2.0 M090 and higher:
enable_opengl_fbo no
enable_opengl_vbo no
enable_opengl_shader no
Note: fbo = frame buffer object; vbo = vertex buffer object; shader is shader object.
These are part of later versions of OpenGL.
4) For better performance with win32_gdi, try setting the display to 16 bit in the OS system manager.
Particular problems
Creo has a requirement of having at least 1024 vertical lines.
The following may work only with the win32_gdi setting for the "graphics" option. Some are resolved in various versions of software, some by different graphics drivers. Most solutions have incomplete information. There are too many combinations to make a full multi-dimensional matrix of:
OS, Computer maker, Graphics GPU, Graphics driver, Other applications
Creo may not support Display Link see
Creo may not support AMD Radeon X1300, esp Win 7
Creo may not support ATI Radeon X1950Pro
Creo may not support ATI Mobility FireGL V5200 see Enable-Disable graphics card
Creo may not support ATI Radeon 9600 Pro
Creo may not support ATI Radeon HD 5450,
Creo may not support ATI Radeon HD 5650
Creo may not support ATI Radeon Xpress 1100 see Enable-Disable graphics card
Creo may not support Nvidia geforce GTX550
Creo may not support Nvidia geforce GTX 285M
Creo may not support Nvidia geforce gtx 660m
Creo may not support Nvidia Quadro K1100M
Creo may not support Intel 4400 below Creo 3 M010 see
Creo may not support Intel Embedded Graphics
Creo may not support Intel HD 4000 see
Creo may not support Intel HD Graphics 3000 see
Creo may not support Lenovo T60
Creo may not support MacBook Pro (Retina
Creo may not support Netmeeting on OpenGL, does on win32_gdi
Creo may not support Nvidia nView Desktop Manager
Creo may not support Sapphire ATI HD 5970 OC see
Creo may not support Windows 7 Home Premium
Creo 2 M080 may not support Quadro/OpenGL - unusual instance -