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Hi Everyone,
My name is Matt Huybrecht, and I'm the Director of CAD Curriculum for PTC University. My team determines what courses are going to be created and for what software. You may or may not know that PTC University is changing up our curriculum creation model, and we're thinking of creating some content for more "niche" areas of Creo. Here are some of the areas we're looking at:
I'm looking for your feedback here.
What of these would you like to take a course in?
Is there something else not covered here that you'd love to take a course on?
Behaviour Modeling Extension (BMX)
Definitely would like a course showing a wider range of examples of BMX than I have seen to date.
Design Automation (ProProgram) or Product Configurator(s)
Thanks for the replies!
What else?
GD&T Advisor
Ditto. Lots of interest in GDTA at NASA.
Barry Schaeffer
EZ Tolerance
GD&Tolerance Advisor
CEtol is a licensed third-party application and they have their own training classes.
The EZ Tolerance, GD&Tolerance and Cetol are licensed third-party application.
PTC have tutorials about this application, but isn't enought in my opinion.
So if they can make a course about this 3 topics it will be nice.
I disagree.
Why should PTC spend money developing training on something that the application vendors have already developed.
If you want training in these licensed products, contact the developers and utilize their existing training.
I have had the CETol training from one of the developers, it is very well done and covers the full range of the application and how to use it.
Hi Everyone,
We are working on two 3 Hour VILT courses on MBD for our Creo LEARN catalog. I'm hoping we get these into the catalog by the end of this quarter.
Also, we recently uploaded 3 videos to LearningConnector on GD&T Advisor. These videos were created by Sigmetrix and provided to us. Check 'em out:
Hi Matthew,
I 've check your links.
This videos complements very well videos uploaded by sigmetrix at youtube.
Thank you Sigmetrix for provide it and thank you Matthew for reply.
A solid in-depth course in Model Based Design methods that covers all the relevant core Creo topics that relate to it. Might be two days, might be more. There's a LOT of interest out in the user base of large companies about MBD.
Updated Top Down Desing course. (The current one is from WF4)
In depth Flow Analysis.
EZ Tolerance Analysis.
I also think that somesort of good practices course would be really welcome. Especially on topics of assembly refs, external refs, circular refs. Managing assembly and references with and without AAX license.
Thanks for the additional replies!!!
More votes on BMX and MBD.
Advanced Framework Extension (AFX)