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Part qty in asm drawing


Part qty in asm drawing

I would like to add as a parametric note the count of a particular part in its assembly drawing, in WF2.0..(I don’t want to go for the tables & repeat region) Thanks
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could you be more clear about your issue. Since Repeat region is the best solution to retirve the Part Qty in Assembly..

"Vidhyadhara L" wrote:

I would like to add as a parametric note the count of a particular part in its assembly drawing, in WF2.0..(I don’t want to go for the tables & repeat region) Thanks

Can you consider layouts .where in you can enter the total ribs to need and call that in your drawing ... or May be you can add create a parameter to act as a counter and later use that to list in your drawing ...

either using layouts or by creating parameter for counter will not update dynamically i.e user has to manually count & assign that to the parameter.
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