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I have been using SolidWorks extensively for the past 3-4 years and now thankfully I am switching back to Proe for a project and cannot remember how to "Pick many" from Import Feature > Edit Definition menu. I have orthographic DXF import views and I need to pick many entities, delete some, and move groups of others around, to center them w/ the CYS. I remember having a mapkey or something in Wildfire 2 and would utilize this feature all the time, but in Wildfire 4, I can't seem to find any such way to achieve this. Can someone help point me to a solution?
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Didn't see the Wildfire 4 part. Now you're using Import Data Doctor. In Import Data Doctor look at the Import Model Tree - you should see Components, and if you expand the list you should see your surfaces. Selection is standard Pro/E (Ctrl Key, LMB) - you can then delete or perform other functions