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Piping - Solid Pipe Part needs to carry bend location and/or machine data


Piping - Solid Pipe Part needs to carry bend location and/or machine data

Similar to this support post where the piping solid part carries parameters that are driven by the assembly for detailing out those pieces of information separate from the assembly, the piping part desperately needs to carry the most important info, the Bend Locations.


Why carry tube length, OD, wall thickness, etc. in the tube detail if the most important defining information is still not available in the part.

Here at my company we define the tube part as a separate detail drawing for various reasons and it is very cumbersome to get the bend information shown on the drawing while keeping it parametrically linked to the model.


As the world moves toward model centric definition this will be a must have for it to be implemented correctly and smoothly.


Also having the ability to get a FIF file created by the tube detail part would be a blessing as well

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