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Can CE Pro (Wildfire 5) plot to a file in which the text within notes are searchable?
For years, our final archived deliverable for each drawing is a plot file in HPGL format.
There has been a request to be able to do mass searches of our plot files for certain text that is often found on our drawings.
For example, if a particular process specification is being modified, we want to find all drawings that refer to it, in case a drawing revision is required.
We have discoverred that Pro/E can export a PDF with serachable text.
There is a option that allows all text to exported as true-type fonts.
Are thre other plot formats (generated by Pro/E) we should consider?
We cannot consider IGES or STEP files, as they are not image files (or plot format).
We prefer a format that is editable. HPGL is very editable by many graphic applications.
Can Pro/E produce HPGL plot files that contain searchable text instead of the vector/stroke method?
That would simplify things by keeping the same file type.
Gerry Champoux
Williams International
Walled Lake, MI
I have not used HPGL in several years but when I did it did not support any such notion as imbeded searchable text. HP is(was) always changing HPGL so perhaps there is a newer version but with the way HP is going these days I doubt it.
In Reply to Gerry Champoux:
Can CE Pro (Wildfire 5) plot to a file in which the text within notes are searchable?
For years, our final archived deliverable for each drawing is a plot file in HPGL format.
There has been a request to be able to do mass searches of our plot files for certain text that is often found on our drawings.
For example, if a particular process specification is being modified, we want to find all drawings that refer to it, in case a drawing revision is required.
We have discoverred that Pro/E can export a PDF with serachable text.
There is a option that allows all text to exported as true-type fonts.Are thre other plot formats (generated by Pro/E) we should consider?
We cannot consider IGES or STEP files, as they are not image files (or plot format).
We prefer a format that is editable. HPGL is very editable by many graphic applications.
Can Pro/E produce HPGL plot files that contain searchable text instead of the vector/stroke method?
That would simplify things by keeping the same file type.
Gerry Champoux
Williams International
Walled Lake, MI
PTC quality philosophy: We've upped our quality standards. Up yours.
Thanks to all that replied.
First, a clarification: We actually produce HPGL/2 files.
Some suggested I try CGM or PostScript, but were not entirely sure that the text is indeed embedded and searchable.
Some also thought that HPGL/2 does support such text, but that Pro/E does not drive that capability.
HPGL & HPGL/2 were intended for pen plotters, and I find it no surprise that searchable text is not a given.
Gerry Champoux
Williams International
Walled Lake, MI
In Reply to Gerry Champoux:
Can CE Pro (Wildfire 5) plot to a file in which the text within notes are searchable?
For years, our final archived deliverable for each drawing is a plot file in HPGL format.
There has been a request to be able to do mass searches of our plot files for certain text that is often found on our drawings.
For example, if a particular process specification is being modified, we want to find all drawings that refer to it, in case a drawing revision is required.
We have discoverred that Pro/E can export a PDF with serachable text.
There is a option that allows all text to exported as true-type fonts.Are thre other plot formats (generated by Pro/E) we should consider?
We cannot consider IGES or STEP files, as they are not image files (or plot format).
We prefer a format that is editable. HPGL is very editable by many graphic applications.
Can Pro/E produce HPGL plot files that contain searchable text instead of the vector/stroke method?
That would simplify things by keeping the same file type.