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Have encountered a very serious problem. We have a 6 reference models that are patterned in an assembly. In Pro/Manufacturing, we use reference pattern just like in assembly. Created a "step" in Creo referencing the first model, then patterned the "step" using reference pattern. The expected behavior is to pattern the tool path; the observed behavior is that the pattern is created but is incomplete (all the features are in the master, but features are missing in the pattern instances). Opening the job in Creo Elements/Pro 5/m90, regenerates OK; but when running thru Vericut, features are missing. In Pro/E WF3/m240, this issue did not occur.
The pattern appears correct for the assembly that it is referencing, but when running it thru Vericut, the problem appears.
Is this a known problem?
The workaround is to redefine the pattern to a direction pattern with the actual number in. This does not work for all legacy data that uses pattern tables, however. Not sure what the workaround is for that data.