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Pull a top level assembly user-defined parameter to repeat region in assembly drawing


Pull a top level assembly user-defined parameter to repeat region in assembly drawing

Hello everyone,

Is it possible to display a top-level assembly user-defined parameter in repeat region of it's drawing?

From the observation I've made so far I think the only parameter that can be used in repeat regions from a top-level assembly is & Which works in repeat regions perfectly. Can't seem to find any other.



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You can call out any PARAMETER for a top-level assy in a repeat region by simply using the syntax &<parametername>.

Example: If you want to show the parameter PARTNUMBER for the top-level assembly, simply type &PARTNUMBER in the cell of the repeat region.

I will populate all cells with this value.



I am sorry about the confusion but I wanna be able to use this parameter in relations of repeat region.

The syntax &<parametername> works in notes in drawing but not in repeat region.

I can use <parametername> syntax there but then If I don't define the parameter directly in list of repeat region parameters I get a blank line and if I do define it then I get the value from the repeat region parameter, not the parameter from the model of top level assembly. Which is where I want it from.

I know it may seem simple but it's not. That's why I asked without too much mumble around at the first post.





Can you give an example of the assembly parameter and the use of it (equation) in the repeat region?



Yeap, thanks Mike.

See the following pictures.


1st picture: Shows definition of parameters in the top level assembly. The parameter called MAT_OF_BOLTS_AND_NUTS is the one I am wanting to show in some cells of repeat region in the assembly drawing.

equotation in relations of repeat region.PNG

2nd picture: Is the equation I use in repeat region relations. While in the particular column where I wanna display the '"NEREZ" string I have defined the repeat region parameter as &rpt.rel.USER_MAT_TYPE


3rd picture: ...and if I define the parameter in relation table of repeat region like this...


4th picture: ...I get a result as displayed in the 8th row in the table on the picture...


5th picture: ...and if I wipe that repeat region table parameter from under relations I get a blank line on the 8th row of the tab as you can see on the picture.


6th picture: ... while the display of top level assembly parameter works well in a regular note of the assembly drawing.



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