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Hi All
I have two questions regarding the new interface for manufacturing.
1st question
The parameter table
Now I know that when you hit the green button , you have access to the full table, my question is, is this top level table configurable to allow you to select the most often used parameter to be displayed in it, so that you only have to work with the top level, it would be nice it it can be done.
2nd question
The ACCEPT BUTTON....who's idea was this
This is driving me up the wall......., I attended the Creo 2 launch in Sydney back in june when a rep from PTC america was speaking , saying how Creo is making you more productive by having less button clicking, if this is so, then why did they add this to the manuafcturing side..
If some people want a safety net, then fine, make it an option controlled feature, so that it can be set to auto accept or manually accept, I personally want rid of it .
This feature caused the scrapping of the first run of a new complex shaft I spent week writting, one gauge cut comment was wrong and as such the machinist made an error.
I had changed it, as all the other gauge cut comments was done together, I must of forgot to hit the button, or it didn't click it properly, so the change was discarded.
this job called for attention to detail..
so why do we have a feature that is making our lives harder.... not easier...
1st question. Open Parameters Setup and add most often used parameter to basic. Now it´s done.
Hi Pierre
Thanks for the info, I will look into it today
I understand what you are talking about. The one that gets me is when doing a sequnce it knows you have to select a machining reference because it highlights the reference tab. but you still have to click the select reference box to select the references. How dumb is that!! why not make it a little more intuitive and just allow you to select the reference.
Hi Steve
Yes that is frustrating as well, it threw me for a while till I figured out that you had to click in the window to activate it.
The accept button is a feature that has been half thought thru, it should be option controlled (yes/no) for automatic accept, and it should have a warning message, to prompt you that you haven't accepted the change, do you wish to cancel, so that things you change don't get lost, like I said above, a weeks work, one comment wrong, and the shaft ends up scrapped, and a very unhappy boss.
I am also frustrated with the warning messages that pop up and just stay there until you have to click it, how about a 5 sec timer then disappear