I have a pattern with a cut pattern and then an additional reference pattern for the edge chamfer. The top and bottom chamfers regenerate fine, but all the middle chamfers fail:
Also, If I only chamfer the the bottom edge, the regeneration is successful:
The problem is specifically with the top edge. I have tried re-sketching the CUTS feature with different references, and changing the references within the CUTS pattern, but nothing seems to work. Any ideas on what may be causing this issue?
Can you share the part?
Did you try changing the accuracy of model? As it is a sheetmetal part, try setting Absolute Accuracy to 0.0005
Seems odd to try and use a pattern for a chamfer. Have you tried to change your selection filter to "Intent Chain" (from pop up in lower right of screen when chamfer tool is selected)? If that selects the corners you're after, it'd be the best approach, as you'd wind up with just one feature, rather than one feature patterned a bunch of times. Depending on your design, this may select more corners than you want though...
Other ideas: