After updating from Creo 4 to Creo 7, we are having problems when redefining sketched hole features. The dimensions are stretched way out across the screen, If you drag the dimensions and refit several times, you finally get back to the proper view. Is there a config setting that I am missing that could solve this problem?
Check this setting:
Default setting is NO, change it to YES and see if that does what you want.
You might also want to look at this setting:
ang_dim_in_screen yes
Default is no.
Thanks for your suggestions. I tried them but to no avail. I just found the same issue documented in CS329515. It looks like a bug in Creo 6 thru 8. Not sure what the Scale/Rotate tool is supposed to do. With this and other quirks, I'm thinking that Creo 7 was a downgrade from Creo 4 - just my personal opinion.