Hello Pro/E Buddies
Good Day!!
I am trying make a cut through a three different type of curves(profile). Like Cam(engine) shape profile, and circle profile. The cut is good if I am using only two circle profile with different type of dia. But with cam profile its not look like good. I have attached the model and picture. Kindly help me to fix this
Option I have tried
I have searched In CAD forum, But Could not get find exact answer.
- Blend parralel and rototional . I have made segments equal to in cam profile and circle profile.but cut is not good
- Boundary blend.
- Swept Blend.(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2GV01PQb74&feature=PlayList&p=DC6CD8C57BF3C87E&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=56)
- Variable section sweep(As my engineers from Autocad inventor to Pro/E. so they do not like variable section sweep)
Thanks In Advance
Suganthan Rajamanickam
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