I need some help. Again!
We have an assembly, skeleton/layout driven, with lots of part relations in
it. All simple D123=parameter ABC stuff.
Problem is, if I redefine, say, a curve in a given part, often the dimension
is replaced in the process. In this example, D123 might become D456. Then,
when I open the relations dialogue, it will report 'Relations Have Errors',
because it is looking for D123, which no longer exists.
Here's the rub: If I don't open the Relations dialogue, Good Old Pro/E
doesn't think it is important enough to tell me that my relations have
fallen over, even when I regenerate.
Thus, sometimes, when I fail to realise that I have inadvertently made a
relation fall over, I will open the Relations dialogue in another assembly
and make a change, only to find that my change can't be saved because
'Relations Have Errors'. Then I have to find the errors, comment out the
relations, close the dialogue box, open the part in which the dimension has
gone missing, determine the new dimension to call in the relation... you get
the idea.
Is there a way to have Pro/E inform me immediately a relation falls over?
Wouldn't it be nice if, when I changed something in Sketcher, Pro/E told me
that I had lost a dimension that was used in a particular relation, and that
relation was used by these features, parts and assemblies? It's Friday, so I
can dream...
Wildfire 2, M220
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