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What are the circumstance where one would want to use Absolute accuracy?
Is it so that you can set all parts to be equal to one accuracy by changing one part?
Why is it any easier than manually changing all the parts to be the same number?
You will use it when dealing with imported geometry or parts and assemblies that are dissimilar in size that must relate to one another. By size I mean the bounding box (or model size). Essentially, with Relative accuracy, the model regens with only as much "accuracy" to work and is based on the ratio of smallest to largest features within the model. Think of it as related to processor crunch time. too much accuracy and math gets intense. too little and the model is junk. And it's a bit ofBlack Magic to pin down where the break even point is for users. The standard .0012 Relative is the mathematicians Happy Place. In 25 years, I have had to change accuracy maybe, five times within any givenpart. Not so when dealing with assemblies and/imported data. In those cases, it can be common-place to need Absolute when two dissimilar data sets have to play nice together.
Think of a vehicle unibodythat is 11 feet long,6 feet wide, 4.5feet talland has a .118" radius on a surface somewhere. The software can have a very dificult time regenerating situations like that. It really is immaterial whether you model it natively or import a data set for reference. It has to do with the model calculations based on the ratio I spoke of above. of course, EVERY unique situation has it's unique math chanllenge. Your mileage will vary.
Hope it helps...
I often find myself using absolute accuracy. My company produces large sheet metal parts. Since the thickness of the material relative to the size of the part is quite small, as I am creating my part features will "mysteriously fail." Changing from relative to absolute accuracy fixes the problem.
I think I have been conviced about Absolute Accuracy's benefits.
I set my option enable_absolute_accuracy to yes.
When I input .0001 I get:
Enter absolute part accuracy or <esc> to return to Accuracy menu [2.0555e-04 inch]: .0001
Range is 0.0003 to 0.0205. Please re-enter: 0.0003
Another user is gettingthe range 0.0073 to 0.7217 only?
Thanks Praveen for the below suggestion worked perfectly!
1) Changethe accuracy to the desired value in relative.
2) Then change it to absolute accuracy. while changing to absolute, we do not type in the values.( the value is shown in <...>).we just click the green tick mark allowing Proe to take the default value shown in <..>.
Praveen Prakash
In Reply to Michael Jenkins:
I think I have been conviced about Absolute Accuracy's benefits.
I set my option enable_absolute_accuracy to yes.
When I input .0001 I get:
Enter absolute part accuracy or <esc> to return to Accuracy menu [2.0555e-04 inch]: .0001
Range is 0.0003 to 0.0205. Please re-enter: 0.0003Another user is gettingthe range 0.0073 to 0.7217 only?