I have had two different users in two different buildings that started getting this message last week.
I didn't get that dialog box but it was telling me I cannot reach the website. I hit the Home icon in Creo and it went to http://www.ptc.com/community/creo2/index.htm. I restarted Creo and mine was fine after that.
Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it without using WEB_BROWSER_HOMEPAGE? Or is that the only way? Creo 2 M120 and M200.
I created a call with PTC. They gave me this
I added it to one of the user's config.pro and it suppressed the message.
Does anyone have a comment on whether adding the js_error_policy set to suppress_continue is a detriment or not?
I remember this. I ended up running the homepage as blank but they fix from our cad-admin group was the js_error_policy setting. I'm sure other users here still use it but I didn't like their startup page so I blanked it.