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Sheet metal question

5-Regular Member

Sheet metal question

How can I do this in Sheet metal? It's like a pierced forming or something. I've seen many examples of this in the real world but I can't seem to do it in ProE. If I add it as a flange wall it is only attached along one edge, but not the other. If I do it as an unattached wall and try to do a merge walls it won't accept the surfaces.
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This will get you started (in WF 4.0): -create a new part to represent the male side of your punch -in your sheetmetal part: insert/shape/form/punch/reference then place your planes to "punch" the part shape into your sheetmetal
5-Regular Member

And will it tear or rip the sides like in my pic?
5-Regular Member

I don't mean to let you do the work for me but I have done a workaround for the moment and will only get back to it when I get the time later on, and even then only for future reference.... that's how we roll around here.

rip/surface rip and select these 2 surfaces to get rid of it. of course you will need to follow the process of insert/shape/form/punch then you would be able to do it. [/img]
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