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Summary - Offline question - on engineering standard scale


Summary - Offline question - on engineering standard scale


Thanks to all who shared your opinions and gave suggestion.

Here is the summary of various responses and opinions.

1. On large amount, the usage of standard scale factors depends on
the company and their drafting manual.
2. We have to use standard scales wherever possible. (be careful
with difference between imperial and metric values)
3. Many of the engineers face this problem as drawing has been done
in A0/A1/A2 size and taken print with A4/A3 size. This leads to
illegible drawing and its entities.
4. Still there are few guys in shops who scale a drawing (even
though we mention "DO NOT SCALE" in drawing) - Difficult situation, but
if we cant make use of standard scale, let us go with non-recurring
decimal scale (eg. avoid 2:3, 1:3, 1:6.....similar). Mention the scale
used for the view.

As Neal said, one rule should supersede another rule and that is to
provide the most legible drawing possible in order to avoid confusion
and/or misinterpretation. Our ultimate goal is to provide a clear and
legible drawing.

Thanks & Regards,

Jnanesha KS

T 91-80-4119 0900 Ext: 466

F 91-80-41190901
M 994 500 4179
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