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Showing a mechanical component in a flat file.


Showing a mechanical component in a flat file.

We have a motor assembly to which we needed to add a washer and some screws. Unfortunately, these components do not show up in he flat file as they are not connectors.  Does anyone know of a way to circumvent this?  Our motor harness drawing shows the flat file, and the washer and screws are missing.  

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Hi Mike,

In your assembly, route a network through the screws and washer.  Insert a location on the network to the axis of the screws and washer.  Then in the "Components" drop down menu on the ribbon selection, select "Attach to Harness".  Add the components (screws and washer).  Regenerate the assembly.  Go to the Flat Harness and regenerate.  Flatten the missing network that you just created in the assembly.  You might have to also include the step of "Flatten/Components/Assemble All".  The components will show up.

Have a GREAT day!


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