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Once we have part in Creo, I am able to see different representations [For example, Graphic, Geometry, Symbolic etc..]. Could anyone help me to understand what these representation means?
Thanks and Regards
A quick look to the help provided by PTC could help
I am sorry to say as of March 14, 2017 that the link is brokem.
Creo 3 is no longer the latest, so they moved the help to support Creo 4. The reps that are listed in the original post are now 'legacy' and require a config option to see/use in Creo 4
Assembly Design > Managing Large Assemblies > Simplified Representations > Legacy Representations > About Legacy Representations Creo Parametric Help Center
What an interesting change in behavior; I guess it will make it better for users who never used the old methods, but it hides what is happening, so it better be perfect.
Assembly Design > Managing Large Assemblies > Simplified Representations > Types of Simplified Representations