Pro/E WF 5.0
Build M040
I'm trying to use a previously saved sketch of a dowel pin hole. I've been using this same 8mm dowel pin .sec file since WF 2.0 with no problems, but since moving to WF 5.0 a few weeks ago, I cannot get the section file to place the hole in a plate. The section has a stepped hole diameter - 8mm slip fit on top and 7mm knock-out hole on the bottom. If I create a straight hole, then it works as advertised, but a retrieved hole .sec file... no way !
I get an error message related to a problem with the axis. This is complete Bullsh*t because I just created the axis using two intersecting datum planes. PTC knowledge base shows nothing related to this issue. PTC update advisor from M040 to M060 does not mention this as a bug fix.
I tried calling PTC tech support and it (the computer activated system) was in the process of transferring me and then it dropped my call.
Any thoughts related to the .sec hole problem and not the PTC dropping my call problem?
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