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Sports car freaks wanting to help with body design?


Sports car freaks wanting to help with body design?

Help with car body design wanted!



I’m designing and building a mid engined car with a bike engine. I have a the Creo Elements Direct Modeling software but having been out of the “CAD-software-use” for some years the modeling speed isn’t what it used to be... Proud to say I was designing in 3D CAD already in the 80´s ... but that doesn't help me now...


Therefore I´m looking for help to design the body, which I will make out of carbon fibre and epoxy. Not new to making molds and vacuum infusion.



Is there anyone out there interested in helping out? The design I´m aiming at is "Daytona-Prototype-ish"...

I might be able to help you out with something?

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Pushing the thread.

The intent is to make the body quite similar to the Rapier SL-C, even the wheelbase is the same. Pic's of the Rapier:

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