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Surface Finish Symbols


Surface Finish Symbols


Does anyone know of a place to obtain a .sym for a customizable surface finish symbol with groups. I am looking for something like the ANSI/ISO weld symbols that allow you to build a symbol on-the-fly.

The default symbols available to me only allow the Ra value to be shown outside the flag. (generic/machined/unmachined with "no_value1.sym" and "standard1.sym") I need to add the sampling length and secondary Rt value under the flag. I can always build a custom symbol, but would much rather use a developed surface finish symbol with groupings.

WF2 / M280


Scott Cserep
Design Engineer
(ph)815-874-7821 ext 2920

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There are built in symbols that should do what you want. In part mode it is Setup/Symbol/Custom. Then in the dialog box at the top "Look In" choose System Syms. There you will find isosurftext & surftestsymlib which is the ANSI symbol. I believe they let you create every legal surface texture symbol. I redefined them & made my own symbols because the "extension bar" that you get when you specify things like cutoff lenght is way too long.

The standard surface texture symbol in the system symbols library has what you need (surftexture).



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