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Tables. (Repeat Regions)


Tables. (Repeat Regions)


I've added a parts list table to an assembly drawing. (Someone else created the repeat region who's now left so I can't ask them) It shows Index, Part Number, Part Description, Quantity.

All parts are shown but the Part Description Box is not populated. The report symbol is as follows:- &asm.mbr.TITLE1.

Where does the system get the info from? i.e. TITLE1. Does it come from the individual parts or do I have to enter it my self? Can I modify the part description of a part once it's been created?

Many thanks.

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Hi Andrew

TITLE1 should be the parameter present in every part and asm

To see parameter of any part/asm go to tools &gt parameter

If this parameter is present then you can change the context in the parameter in the drw table ;as well as in the part parameter.

You can change this parameter at any time as per your wish




It sounds like you may have created your parts and assemblies before you saw the part description in the table. If that is the case, you need to go to the parts and assemblies, select Tools, then Parameters, and add the parameter TITLE1. This parameter should be added as a string. You may fill in the value in the Parameters table, or you may add it to the drawing. Also, as was mentioned by K. Mahanta, this value may be changed at any time.

Hope this solves your problem.



It sounds like you may have created your parts and assemblies before you saw the part description in the table. If that is the case, you need to go to the parts and assemblies, select Tools, then Parameters, and add the parameter TITLE1. This parameter should be added as a string. You may fill in the value in the Parameters table, or you may add it to the drawing. Also, as was mentioned by K. Mahanta, this value may be changed at any time.

Hope this solves your problem.


Excellent. Thanks to both of you for your help.

That's another basic peice of info they didn't teach us on the course.



Excellent. Thanks to both of you for your help.

That's another basic peice of info they didn't teach us on the course.




thanks to both of you for your help.




Thanks to both of you.

It's a shame they didn't teach us about Parameter tables on the basic course.



22-Sapphire II

Anything with "asm.mbr" (i.e.: &asm.mbr.TITLE1) is a parameter pulled from parts and sub-assemblies present in the active model referenced by the TABLE in your dwg. This can get tricky if there are multiple assemblies present within a dwg, and/or if the table is inserted AFTER the titleblock which itself may or may not have a table in it. In your case, the parameter "TITLE1". It may turn out easier to change the table (only have to do it once) to reflect the parameters present in your models, rather than change a lot of models.

Repeat regions may seem a little daunting at first, but there's a lot of neat stuff you can do with them. I have mine set up so that it will automatically sort the items, starting with assemblies at the bottom, then fabricated parts, then vendor parts, then fasteners, then weld filler, then sealants, then oil/grease, then paint. It will also sort by name within each category. In addition, my table will also automatically put in a quantity of "AR" for these bulk items, and will leave the qty blank if there is an item "removed" by a change order.

E-mail me and I can talk to you about it.

22-Sapphire II

I also just recenty figured out how to make custom BOM balloons. I wanted to use the balloons "with qty", but the standard ones are confusing with the symbol looking like a datum target callout, and there being no clear indication which number was the "P/N" and which was the "Qty.". So, I made my own. I made 2 versions of one that has the words "ITEM" and "QTY." in it to specify which was which. One version has the Qty. that's reported in the BOM table, the other is for bulk items like grease, oil, sealant, etc. that has a non-parametric qty. of "AR", just like the BOM shows. Works out really well.

The caveats of BOM ballons:

They must have both a "Free" and "Radial Leader" placement defined, the latter requiring the outside of the balloon to be circular (Drat!). Also, if you want one with "AR" to work with a repeat region that has the balloons set up for qty, there MUST be a parametric qty line (i.e.: \qty\) in the symbol. BUT, what I did was have the text "AR" the normal size, and underneath it at a height of .00001, I had the line for qty. Works like a charm. And it's nice, because instead of just putting in a dumb balloon for the "AR" parts, the P/N is parametric so if you change th eBOM, the balloon(s) change as well. I also used the trick of NOT using the standard "bulk" parts, and used real parts, and just copied surfaces that I wanted to attach leader(s) to from the other parts in the assembly. That way, I can attach these real parametric "AR" BOM ballons to surface (otherwise impossible for parts with no geometry).

Best of luck!

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