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The most helpful enhancements after Pro|Engineer wildfire 4.0


The most helpful enhancements after Pro|Engineer wildfire 4.0

1. Right click "reference" option in sketcher.

2. The two new ellipse options.

3. "Insert here" option for model tree.

4. Locate in model tree.

5. To explode view has been made easier.

6. Ok right click sketcher constrains also.

7. Separate option for tolerance decimal places in drawing.


I take it this is not really a question.

I only used WF4 for a little while and then, all I found new and useful was the ability to add shaded views to drawings. The previous version was Pro/E 2000i. This is still limited, however with the inability to use shaded section views even in Creo 2.0.

All the improvements seem to have gone to optional extension modules. That means that core-only users are funding the development of things we will never have.

See what happens when I take 4 months off to handle a big project? Everything goes to seed around here!

Antonius, I've been working in Creo 2 for several months now. I'm working on some custom training for our people so we can roll out the software in the next 8-10 weeks or so. It feels pretty stable to me but I admit I haven't spent very much time in drawings at all. After I customized my modeling interface, it's usable... it's not fantastic, but it's usable. I'm up to my own Wildfire speed in modeling. I have to work more in detail mode to see if I have the same kind of issues you're seeing.

I can also tell you... I've seen Creo 3 and I've been attending weekly meetings on the development of the new Detailing mode. Although many of the enhancements are coming from other product like Creo Layout, they're being pulled back into the core detailing module. So some of the technology being developed is coming back into the core product suite.

Of course it remains to be seen what the official F00 version of Creo 3 will contain... but from what I've seen, there are some improvements. This week I'm heading up to Needham, MA to attend the Technical Committee meetings where we'll see more from the upcoming release of Creo 3. We'll also be able to share our feedback directly with the PTC developers. I'll try to take some of your concerns directly to them.



I've been at the last few meetings on the detailing committee. Thank you for your invite. Indeed, there are a lot of little "niggles" that have been addressed from WF4 to now. I'm talk "BIG". What do I see that was a game changer over the years. Again, the shaded views on drawings is very important in my line of work. It was a game changer for me personally and was already available by WF4. This is a feature I can use to enhance my services.

I can make detailing do what I need. I am not required to have the puritan view of associatively. This is freeing. Yet, the entire process of setting up a new customer and the archaic tools to get there are really troublesome. It is not something PTC will fix in any number of releases. I'm talking tables, symbols, configs, fonts, line weights, help... etc. I have already resigned to simply "carry on". From what has changed from Pro/E 18.0 to Creo 2.0 is the whole of the improvements in the core package, Creo 3 can only be a refinement. I would hope to be wrong, but I doubt it.

What seriously disappointed me was the lack of core rendering improvement. Yes, the interface improved, but the quality and capabilities are seriously lacking in PhotoRender. This is something I can "sell" to a customer. But I cannot sell it for $1000 plus a yearly maintenance charge. Again, it is easier to take it outside PTC. Photolux, or a subset of Photolux should be included in Creo by now. This would be an enhancement in my eyes. It hasn't happened. But I am holding out hope.

I wish I could make it out to the east coast. It would be fun to see what Creo 3.0 has in store. I have to decide if I'm going to continue maintenance or move on. My customers really don't care what platform I do my job in. Having multiple packages (and experience) will only be a plus.

One little aside: When the PTC VAR set me up for a demo, they included the Flexible Modeling extension and never told me that this was an optional module. Now THAT would have been an enhancement. Think how disappointed I was when I didn't receive that after spending nearly $6K to get up to date on my hardware and software.

Trying to understand what "Creo 1.0/Pro" really was at that time was as criptic as it could have been. I was also looking at the CoCreate offering (18.0) and trying to understand what Elements Direct was in relation to all this. I couldn't get a straight answer on anything for nearly 3 months. Only after a customer moved forward on their CoCreate seats did I finally understand just how far apart all these products really are.

- "open generic" on context menu in model tree (WF5)
- Geometry pattern (WF5)
- new IDD interface (WF5)
- Import and Export Profile Editor (WF5)
- dynamic sections in assembly (WF5 or creo1?)
- command search (creo)

- new options handler (creo1)
- Annotations ribbon (creo2)
- ...

Some of my favorite enhancements since WF4:

  • Command search (One of the best features in any program that is all programs would vastly benefit from!)
  • Replace by reference (or on the fly...something I cannot remember the name...anyway, this feature is really nice!!!)
  • Learning Connector context specific embedded Help videos (that don't need to be streamed)
  • Better error management using (I hated the old error mode)
  • In modeling sketcher, using the alt key to select on the fly references.
  • Flexible modeling is now included in the base Creo package, and is especially nice for manipulating/fixing dumb imported data.

Stuff that was better in WF4 that they should really bring back:

  • Show erase tool actually worked for all dims whether erased or 'deleted' (New annotations is fine, except cannot see erased dims...grrr!  There are workarounds, but they are annoying and don't come without making some sacrifices...)
  • In Drawing mode must be under the right tab to select stuff!  Good work around though is to create a custom tab showing your most commonly needed commands or mapkeys, then add all the 'essentials' under a hidden group so that you can select anything under that tab).
  • Tabbed window view for creo models and dwgs!  I still miss it!

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