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Hi all,
i am currently working on a start-up multi level assembly and I am trying to get rid of external references.
Those ex-refs currently make the pro-program fail.
Here is the options i get in the reference viewer.
Basically, I don't have the option to delete that reference.
Thanks for you help.
You're going to need to find the child of that referenc adn redefine it so it doesn't need it. You cant simply 'delete' a reference, you need to reroute the children.
this makes sense.
I guess this discussion just changed topic to "how to i reroute the children" ?
You need to find them first, then determine what's failed or missing. Is a feature or an assembly reference or what? I don't use the global reference viewer (GRV) a lot, but it should be able tell you what the children are. Once you find them, redefine them and see what's wrong.
I can't really be more specific because I don't know what's failing in your specific assembly and I don't know the GRV enough to tell you how to find the info.
Most likely, one of the parts that you assembled after this one used a feature of this one as a placement constraint. Check each part in your model tree that comes after the part that you want to delete. You will have to edit definition and click on placement. Check each constraint; if any constraint lists the part you want to delete, delete that constraint and replace it with a reference to another part or cordinate system.
One can also ask why the model is not failure when regenerated ?
@doug, i'll have a look at the GRV, i am not uber familiar with it either, but it is a great start.
@ Ian, i'll give that a shot as well. But in my case, the assembly to be deleted is not the model tree's template. I'll look into possible constraints in the copied assembly that i am trying to delete from the template.
@ Phil, the pro-program does fail during its execution if regenerated. The regeneted model shows options entered for a specific project.
thanks a lot guys
Update... i basically need to get rid of this relation. I am not exactly sure on how to proceed.