I have saved a .obj and .stl file in a folder, but in Parametric, when I go to Open (or Model > Get Data > Import), I cannot see these files.
Is there any obvious reason why this may be the case? I have tried selecting both different types in the File Type drop-down, but still cannot see.
Any ideas why this may be the case?
What is the Type filter set to? Did you try All Files (*)?
I know with STL (not sure about others), take any spaces or weird characters out of the file name.
Try changing the name of file, something small, might be more number of characters in file name causing this.
Good afternoon Rusty007!
Everything is working. What version of the program are you using?
Which module you are used - Creo Direct or Creo Parametric ?
Sicerely, Evgrafov Aleksandr.
suppose if the file name is FULL BIKE FRAME.stl
rename it as FULL_BIKE_FRAME.stl
that will do the miracle