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I have been changing units from metric to English for many files I have. Most of these are files that were imported, such as pwb components. No problem with most. But a handful are giving me grief. I change the units and the import just flat out disappears. Any one have a resolve for this?
Creo 3.0
Well.....just for kicks I just opened the file and did not convert anything. I supressed the import feature. Then resumed it. It has vanished!?
Have you tried to change to different model accuracy and then doing the unit conversion? Just a shot in the dark...
No. But I may have a clue. When I try to redefine the import it points to a d:/ drive and says its a solidworks file. I feel like there is some sort of link or reference that is gone? I will try the accuracy. Thanks!
I've seen this before. More than likely you are trying to open/import a "Creo" model that wasn't actually created by Creo. Try using a STEP file, IGES, file, or some other neutral format.
Here is the PTC KB article saying basically the same thing:
Thanks Tom! Zooiks!
Denyed. My maintainence is due. LOL!
Oh.....I think I get it it. It's actually calling itself a neutral feature. I can created another one from iges. But then I have to replace in assembly a few places. I guess I will be stuck with that. Cool. Thanks!