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Which TTF Font matches Font the closest?


Which TTF Font matches Font the closest?

Has anyone found a True Type or Open Type font that matches the default one (Font) in Pro/Engineer? I ask this because we have existing drawings don't desire changing the fonts to something else, and would benefit when creating PDF files.

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Have you tried checking Stroke All Fonts when creating the pdf? This will keep the font the same as you see on screen.

We experienced a new behavior in WF5 (M070) with creating Postscript and PDF

We need to set the config option ttf_handling_for_plot_files to ?stroke all
fonts? to ensure that TTF fonts (Arial orGreekMT) are plotted correctly.
Otherwise German and Greek characters (TTF fonts) aren?t plotted any more?

Below is a summary of the responses I received from asking a similar question in 2008:

  • Font3D (default) isn't a is a program that makes fonts What is the actual name of the font used???? The jpg could be similar to Arial or closer Arial Narrow. It is san serif and the only diff in the letters is the C is a bit more round.

  • I had a job that I used the Font3D. When I zoomed in on it had straight lines instead of curves. Didn't render good. I changed to font "Arial Narrow", and it looks almost identical. I had to change the aspect ratio to 1.38 to match the aspect ratio of Font3D

  • I doubt there is one. You can buy software to build a true type that matches PTC’s font3d.

  • I am not shore what matches font3d but I know it's a Hebrew font. You could load the True Type fonts and use them IN PRO/E.
  • We just went through the same exercise- the Truetype fonts are great, but are treated as a raster when you go to plot them and increase plotting time significantly.



In Reply to Jason Williams:

Has anyone found a True Type or Open Type font that matches the default one (Font) in Pro/Engineer? I ask this because we have existing drawings don't desire changing the fonts to something else, and would benefit when creating PDF files.

I started to look into this as well about a year back. One thing I did notice was that all of the fonts that shipped with Pro/E were files that described how to draw the lines. That is why the standard "font" does not have greek characters.

Because of how these "fonts" are created, I do not think you will be able to find a good match. That said, you could look at Lucidia Console/Lucidia Mono (ships with Windows) or Liberation Mono (ships with Redhat, available for download for free). There are other monospaced fonts out there, some free and some not, that might be closer.

-Lawrence S.

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