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EVERY Pro/E STEP file that I have tried to open with CoCreate 3 this past week, reports all kinds of topolgy errors.
I can open the very same STEP file in various other systems with no problem.
Why can't CoCreate handle data from a sister system from the same company?
This lack of attention to details like this is utterly frustrating.
There could be many reasons you see errors when you load the file. Without seeing your actual file(s), it is hard to diagnose the problem.
Creo Elements/Direct performs a body check when a STEP file is loaded and reports the errors up front. Other CAD systems do not do this.
Try loading your STEP file back into Creo Elements/Pro. Select Info-->Geometry Checks and see if errors show up there as well.
I suggest you open a Support Call.
There are plenty of other systems performing a topology check on the import.
These STEP files comes directly from Pro-E.
Every other system I have tried opens the files with no problem.
VISI from Vero International
In fact, VISI opened the files faster than any of the other applciations.
I'll submit a good sampling of files as there's clearly an issue with STEP translation in CoCreate.
Still MAJOR issues with STEP file in Creo Elements/Direct (CoCreate)
Also, PTC does NOT permit user accounts for Creo Elements/Direct Modeling Express to open a support case.
This part loads fine into V18. In V17 we implemented the Granite based STEP processor so there are now two options for STEP import in the full product. Not sure if that made it into the Express edition. Also pay attention to the settings in Pro (Creo Parametric). If Pro is using variable accuracy, the more complex the part (b-splines) the lower accuracy of the geometry. We did a lot of work in v17 and v18 to accept lower accuracy geometry, but there is still more work to do - but then the question is; how low is too low?. Try regenerating the part at a higher accuracy. I think 1e-1mm is the lowest geometry accuracy V17 and V18 can go. Your impeller came into V18 at 3.1E-2mm - not too bad. CoCreate (Creo Elements Direct) default accuracy is 1E-6mm - the highest geo accuracy of any CAD system, but sometimes that hurts more than helps, especially on import. Try the attached.
The Granite based STEP processor was not included in Creo Elements Direct Express 4.0.
It is available only in the commercial version.
It does not appear that the Impeller.stp file you added to file in your post was created by Creo Elements/Pro.
The header section of your file does not match what usually is exported by Pro.
As a test, I loaded your STEP file into Creo Elements/Pro Wildfire 5, ran a Geometry Check (which reported an issue with the geometry) then exported it back out again. For export settings in Pro, I used the default export options (Solids and Shells).
I loaded this file into Direct Express with the following settings (Connect On, Resolution set to Automatic.
This STEP file loaded with absolutely no issues.
My original STEP file came from another popular system for Mold and Die work.
Clearly Pro/E, Creo or whatever the product is called now, it still has issues with STEP.
1) The original STEP file is perfectly valid. Not a single error present so Pro/E is reporting Errors that don't exist.
2) Your competition doesn't have these issues and can read the file perfectly.
Why on earth would anyone want to use a system where a basic translator like STEP is so flawed?
PTC needs to get out into the real world a bit.
Creo Elements/Direct is less than impressive, considering what the competition already brings to the table.