What I would like to do is be able to word-wrap the text in a table cell (specifically, the description for our title blocks).
Currently, we use the Common Name field of our drawing to drive our description, which usually works well as we keep it restrcited to 60 characters and this prevents the "runaway description". That said, once you extend past 30-40 characters, the text in our title block becomes almost unreadable if you shrink it down to fit the full description in one line.
What I am trying to avoid is having to write up a program that (1) reads in the description paramter, (2) counts the characters, (3) finds character 32, (4) rolls back to the previous space, (5) truncates the first part to a new description1 parameter, then (6) fills the remainder into a description2 paramter, and finally (7) calls description1 for the first line of the description cell and calls description2 for line 2 of the cell. I could probably do this, but I would rather not if there is an easier way.
Solved! Go to Solution.
This can happen automatically now in Creo Parametric 3. All you have to do it right click on the table cell and choose "Wrap Text". It will automatically increase the row height and wrap to whatever column width you have. If you adjust the width of the column, the wrapping will automatically adjust.
This can happen automatically now in Creo Parametric 3. All you have to do it right click on the table cell and choose "Wrap Text". It will automatically increase the row height and wrap to whatever column width you have. If you adjust the width of the column, the wrapping will automatically adjust.
Thanks for the quick response. Confirmed this works in Creo 2.0 as well (datecode m130, anyway).
I just recently moved to Creo 2 from Wildfire 4.0. Under WF Wrap Text would try to wrap the parameter text, not the value of the parameter. Good to know that this works now.
Now to update all of the formats.
You might want to test this thoroughly first. The auto row height adjustment may not be conducive to formats. I don't know if you can prevent it from happening.