Whenever a user creates a new drawing, our formats are set up to use parameters from the model (of course).
Despite the addition of a Wrap Text option since WF5.0, it appears there is no way to get a table cell that contain a parameter to wrap text properly. Three software releases later.
When I asked about it, PTC, in their infinite wisdom, directed me to CS28238 which provides a solution of splitting the one parameter up into several different parameters and adding them all to the table cell, thereby allowing a portion of the parameter's contents to be displayed in each line. This, of course, is just a long way of saying, "Wrap text doesn't work at all in these cases." In short, they gave us a pseudo improvement.
In the meantime, the only solution I could come up with is to add a dummy column at the left and right ends of any table cell that will contain wrapped text (mostly just the Description cell in the title block). I can then put the parameter into the middle cell, hide the line between the cells and fake it.
Anyone else have a solution or thoughts on how best to handle this?
I was just testing this functionality as we prepare to move from Wildfire 4 to Creo 2 M090. It works pretty well (finally). But it looks like it leaves a margin to the right of several characters. Does anyone know of a setting for this?
The other add to tables with this transition was auto height adjustment, but I'm finding it does not work if the table cell you're working with is actually several merged cells. Can anyone else confirm this? I was hoping the auto-height would be a nice setting for our revision table.
see attached picture
We're not seeing either problem in our tables (Creo 2.0 M040). A sample is attached.
I experimented with dumb text and parameters and with different text justification. In all cases it seems to work as I would want. And I'm not aware of any configuration options that would affect table margins.
I ended up opening a call with PTC tech support about this. From what we were able to determine, the automatic height adjustmentwithin merged cells will work fine with new tables on new drawings created in Creo 2. However, if it is a Pre-Creo drawing (in our case we're coming from WF4), neither new tables nor tables created from table files originating in WF4 will auto height adjust in merged cells.It also fails to work ina new in Creo 2 drawing when using a table file originating in WF4.PTC hasopened an SPR to investigate this.
The developers had a choice. They can update the table structure when they find an old one andcontinuewiththat or they can create anothertable structure to use in parallel with the old one(s).
They (presumably) will always have to read in the old structure(s) in order to read/modify old drawings. They will always use the latest table structure to create new tables.
If tables aren't being updated, then two things are possible - either PTC failed to update the tables as they intended to or PTC decided it was OK to make it harder on their customers and save a little development time to make updating the table structure work, and not including a message indicating "Old table not updated - Create new table to use new features."
Since the two outcomes look the same, I'm interested in which turns out to be true.
PTC came just got back to me on this confirming there is a bug. However, there is a workaround. So far it has worked for me.
To correct the issue: