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I want to stop the automatic regen of components in an assembly. The components all prompt the user for parameter values through Pro/Program on a regen, so when the assembly is regenerated every component that is regened also prompts for values. Is there a beter way to set this up?
There was only one reply. Thanks to Andrew Kelly for your input. Maybe people arent using Pro/Program anymore?
I had this same problem and wrote a mapkey to pick “Current Vals”. I edited the saved mapkey to add as many “Current Vals” picks; I thought I would ever need. Little quirk in WF4 that the picks in a drawing and assembly are different, so I had to make two.Someone else suggested adding a parameter to every part and assembly to indicate whether or not the Input section of Pro/Program should run. Put an IF … END IF statement inside your INPUT … END INPUT section of the Pro/Program so that the inputs are prompted only if the value of the parameter is Yes.; Seemed kind of a pain to me to have to toggle this parameter on / off, but it’s what another company was doing