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flat pattern with one click


flat pattern with one click



i have a question what happen in min 5:45 

when insert flat pattern


what is explication ,i am interested


You might expand on your question.  What I see at 5:45, it is a quick wrap up.



what i need ?

the dxf fille without many operations


i create a template with top left and front but my grand problem is how create and flatt pattern in same drawing and export it 

i hear is posible with combined view but i dont n know how do it


in solidworks i have flat pattern with one click in export


any help is a now thing for my 🙂

have a nice day

@TomD.inPDX wrote:

You might expand on your question.  What I see at 5:45, it is a quick wrap up.



what i need ?

the dxf fille without many operations


i create a template with top left and front but my grand problem is how create and flatt pattern in same drawing and export it 

i hear is posible with combined view but i dont n know how do it


in solidworks i have flat pattern with one click in export


any help is a now thing for my 🙂

have a nice day


The normal flat pattern routine in Creo will also make a flat pattern with one button in the sheetmetal model. 

It also makes what you need for a flat pattern in the drawing.


There are other ways, but this is the way that PTC intended.

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