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I have created a part (extruded panel with sketches, extrusions, patterns) and a drawing and when you open the drawing several gtols & datums on a detail are hidden in the drawing tree. They are on the active "gtols" layer. I then open the part file, go back to the drawing an my missing gtols/datum are restored. There is not an unhide option when you right click these hidden annotation. I have redrawn the details, drawing, the part and drawing again and the same annotations hide. Any suggestions on how to keep these annotations consistantly un-hidden?
Welcome to the forum, Kristine.
What version and release of Creo are you using?
"Hidden" annotations, meaning they appear hidden in the annotation tree are considered erased. However, it doesn't sound like you erased them. I wonder if you hit a known bug.
If you have maintenance, I would recommend you please submit the files as a support case. Loosing things on drawings is a very critical issue for most of us.
One thing to look for is if you have annotation shown in the model. There seemed to have been some kind of issue with this that I have run across but never really could duplicate consistently.
Thanks Antonuis!
I am using Creo Parametric 2.0 and I feel like it has a whole colony of bugs with the drawing. I will look at the annotation in the model and see if I work around that. Cross your fingers.
You will find that I am not very happy with the whole GD&T implementation in drawings.
Datums tags in particular have been the bane of my detailing experience in all of Creo.
One tip I can give you; do not use the primary planes as your tagged datum planes. Create new ones from surfaces whenever possible (it hides the underlying plane that is generated). Creo doesn't play nice with visibility in your model otherwise. I have put in several support cases with this and they come back "worked as expected'.
Also be careful moving datum tags ( the square unified version) around on your drawings. I am at release code M040 and it still causes hard crashes when you start moving these around on the drawing. Save often!
I made a datum tag symbol to get around this: Datum Tag problem
This one is for default text height. It may need to be adjusted for other standard text heights to keep the text centered (another infinite wisdom oversight).
As for hide/unhide in drawings... it is erase or delete. Erase means they are reserved in that view or drawing, and delete means they can be echoed on again in a different view. Just remember that you can only use a driving dimension once. If you use some of these features in notes using their "handle (d1 toln)", they -should- remove themselves from the view as well. All very confusing and the regen updates are -not- realtime; everytime.