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hide_set_datum_plane_with_plane 관련 문의


hide_set_datum_plane_with_plane 관련 문의

I am using Creo Parametric Release 4.0 and DatecodeM150

hide_set_datum_plane_with_plane 옵션이 6.0 부터 사용가능하다는 cs 문서는 확인했습니다.
그 이하버전에서는 어떻게 사용해야할까요
설정된 기준면을 다른기준면과 함께 제어 하고싶습니다.
23-Emerald III

It is unlikely the option is available in Creo 4. You can try to manually add it with a text editor to your to see if it was a hidden option in Creo 4, but I don't think it was.

22-Sapphire I

This config option is not part of Creo Parametric 4.0 M150. It does not appear that this option was ever in Creo 6 either as it is not in Creo 6.06 release.


You would not be able to use this in builds earlier than when the config option was added. From reviewing config files, it appears that this was added in Creo parametric 7. 

Involute Development, LLC
Consulting Engineers
Specialists in Creo Parametric


according to page the option mentioned by OP is not implemented in Creo 4.0.

Martin Hanák

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