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hybrid view display (SL and one component HLR) on drawing?


hybrid view display (SL and one component HLR) on drawing?

Hello - I looked high and low and attempted searching for this request online and within CREO 10.

In CREO Assy you can select one component and change the transparency of that component - but when you go to drawing the view is monolithic - Solid or hidden but not hybrid. There is one component that I want to display hidden line removal to show features within the part. I tried Component Display under Layout/Edit. I went through the prompts - but nothing changes. Is this possible - and why so hard to achieve?

I read online about Display States within CREO - but when I search CREO help I see nothing in CREO 10.

Thanks for helping.



please set requested state in Assembly mode an publish the picture. It enables other to understand your problem.

INFO: Shaded view display functionality in Drawing mode is limited. It differs from Assembly mode functionality.

Martin Hanák

Assembly - transparency.png

Drawing - hidden line removed.png

First pic is in Assembly mode. I can set the transparency of a component to ways - by editing and applying transparency in Appearances or Under Modal/Modal Display/Component Display Style.


I would like to only change the rectangle part to Hidden Line (from the overall setting of HLR) to show the internal features for clarity on my drawing.


I tried Layout/Edit/Component Display - which is supposed to allow for changing - I guess - a component in a view or all views. When I try this I seem to go around in circles - and the end result is nothing changes. Maybe I'm doing this incorrectly.


I'm not interested in shaded view and changing one component to HLR to show clarity - I did read on this forum that this not possible. Again - not what I'm asking. What I want - HLR for all but one component - that one component would be hidden line displayed so I can see internal components.

I think SolidWorks has Display States where individual components can have different states. I do not know if this translates to drawings though. 


Any thoughts help. In the meantime I will keep trying to achieve what I want. Worst case scenario - remove part from assembly - and fudge a rectangle on drawing to mimic hidden line.



23-Emerald III

Component display is what you want but selection process here is the key. If you have sub-assy's, you want to make sure you are picking parts and not assemblies.

Simple example:

The part in the back is a c-channel, say i wanted to see that see channel hidden lines in the view.

Component display - HLR display - pick the part then OK - then change to Hidden lines, 


If you want to see "thru" a part, you'll need to use Style -pick the part, then phantom transparent for the part in front of the one you want to see.












Okay sort of figured this out.

Layout/Component Display


If you do HLR/Hidden Lines - The component will show Hidden Lines in all views but will not show internal components in assembled views (second image shown). You have to choose: Style/Phantom/Transp to see components. What I really want is Solid/Transp instead. I still want the solid outline of the rectangle!! This is how it looks:




Not a fan of solution. In this case I may just sketch the rectangle in sketch to fudge what I want.

Again - CREO not working as I expected. So, I'm new to CREO (1 year) with no training. I find CREO functions not working as I expected - or not at all - or maybe just a bit of a miss. I find this forum to be very helpful. Thanks for your input!


23-Emerald III

@GO_10898978 Sounds like you found the way as I was typing. Not sure why your phantom line is red, that's a system color setting  you can adjust if you want.

So...from the Creo usability standpoint, drawing functionality is crap! I've been using it for 30 years, its just painful. And then, if you are coming from a different software, trying to make it work like a different CAD software is about the worst pain you will ever feel. You'll never get there.

In the end, you sort of have to muddle thru drawings until you have a handle on what it does for you and how it works. 

Keep asking questions.

So things that I think should just work in CREO just do not work as expected. So I sometimes go back to SW and try things out - intuitive/flexible seems to work as expected - try it in CREO and no-go.

Not trying to C#$% on CREO - but there are some things that just need to be changed or updated.


Thanks for the help.


Yeah I learned - HLR/Hidden Line does exactly wat you expect. Style/Phantom_trans does what I wanted - but I just don't want the phantom part.


BTW: I posted a question regarding redefining the 0-0 in ordinate Dims in CREO. IT can't be done - and man if you modify the initial surface that 0-0 is attached too - goodbye all ordinate dims! There is a work around that sometimes works - but man come on PTC. Minor changes and quality of life enhancements to CREO would go a long way. I searched Ordinate issues, and this goes all the way back to early CREO.

So one thing  liked about SW (I used to work for Dassault) is that they take in User requests and rank them and at least provide a path to implementing them. It makes for good product and happy users.

What I hate is companies that implement better methods - but keep the old method in place due to User blowback. One example is Siemens NX. I forget the function - but when I called Siemens support - they basically admitted it led to confusion - but they couldn't remove the other two methods because Users wanted the old way as well.

Oh well we are all guru's with wants and needs. I'm sure this can get frustrating to PTC.


PTC if you are listening this is all I want so far having used CREO 7 and now 10 (I have not used 11):

- The ability to redefine and update 0-0 and all ordinate dims - especially during a failure when the 0-0 surface is modified or removed.

- I want Solid Line/Transparency for components in a drawing view.

- Oh I forgot! I just found out that automated BOM balloons cannot have more than one arrow leader! I looked this up and it seems a no-go. Now I was told you can have multiple arrow leaders for a manual placement - but I can't figure this out - again CREO not being intuitive! SolidWorks - Hold down cntrl key click on end of arrow - drag and another leader appears. drag end of new leader to a line or surface - Boom done.

- Another thing - I generated an auto BOM. I want to edit or over write the fields - sure I get t a no-no - but I want to do this anyways to muscle through and produce a document. I can't get this to work. I'm sure there are work arounds - but man CREO not being flexible or intuitive again.


Thanks for the help @StephenW 

23-Emerald III

PTC's official enhancement request channel is here 

Another way, likely more direct, is to join a Technical Committee thru PTC/User 


Like on your post, on occasion, I let my real thoughts out. My typical personality is to figure out a way to get the job done with the tool I am using. Tools change over time, its always about figuring out the most effective way to get the job done with the tool I am using today.



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