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problemi di attivazione di PTC Creo Elements Direct Modeling Express 6.0


problemi di attivazione di PTC Creo Elements Direct Modeling Express 6.0

Da qualche giorno all'avvio di PTC Creo Elements Direct Modeling Express 6.0 compare la videata con la richiesta di attivazione, inserendo la mail e la password con cui è stato registrato il programma (12 gennaio 2016)e cliccando su attiva, compare il messaggio "Connessione fallita. Per l'attivazione automatica di Modelling Express è richiesta la connessione a internet. Verificare se deve essere specificato un proxy e inserire i dettagli del server proxy aziendale per consentire la connessione.


Tentando l’attivazione compare la videata “L'attivazione automatica è fallita perché non siamo riusciti a individuare automaticamente le impostazione del tuo proxy, oppure perché è caduta la connessione Internet. Puoi attivare manualmente Modeling Express richiedendo e incollando la chiave di attivazione.” Ho provato a chiedere di attivare manualmente Modeling Express con “Richiesta chiave di attivazione” per l’attivazione manuale ma compare:  


“Server Error 404 - File or directory not found. The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.”


Faccio presente fino a 5 giorni fa il programma si avviava regolarmente senza chiedere queste procedure e senza nessun problema.


Come risolvere il problema?




PTC Creo Elements Direct Modeling Express 6.0 activation issues

For a few days when PTC Creo Elements Direct Modeling Express 6.0 starts, the screen appears with the activation request, entering the mail and password with which the program was registered (January 12, 2016) and clicking on activate, the message " Connection failed. Automatic connection to Modelling Express requires Internet connection. Verify if a proxy needs to be specified and enter the details of the proxy server to allow connection.

Attempting to activate, the screen "Automatic activation failed because we were unable to locate your proxy settings automatically, or because the Internet connection is down. You can manually activate Modeling Express by requesting and pasting the activation key. "I have tried to activate Manually Modeling Express with" Activation Key Required "for Manual Activation but it appears:

"Server Error 404 - File or directory not found. The resource you are looking for may have been removed, or it's temporarily unavailable. "

I'm present up to 5 days ago the program was running smoothly without asking for these procedures and without any problems.

How to fix the problem?

Good day all -

We are continuing to work the issue and I will supply updates as I have them.

Sorry for the delay and I appreciate the patience.



I believe this issue is fixed.



Good day all,

I will provide updates here


Re: I get no license from ptc server and can't start ptc creo elements - is the ptc server down??

I will lock this discussion to stop duplicate conversations.



PTC EXPRESS is requesting an activation that is impossible to perform. Please restore server functionality ASAP, thank you!

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