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quick help!!


quick help!!

Guru's, how can I quickly get a PDF from a drawing I have a new set up and am running WF2, I need to produce some PDF's to a client

I seam to remember something called ghostscript or some thing like that...

any quick replys please

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I use PDFCreator. Free and works great.

FreeDist 3.9

Here are a couple of others.

23-Emerald II

I have used:

In WF4 you can just save as a 2-d pdf and get good results from the Pro-E
File menu. No need to make pcf file or install ghostscipt, etc.

Mike Johnson

Senior CAD Designer

Carlisle Industrial Brake & Friction



I recommend PDFCreator.
Two features that we really like:
1) Control of image compression.
2) Can also generate nearly any bitmap output (bmp, jpg, and even multi-page tif.)


Snag-it is a good choice too. You can print to it and then save it as any format (jpg, PDF, TIFF, BMP, ...) or you can do screen snapshots and it will let you select a window or area of the screen. I think it is about $30.

John Dunham
Staff Design\Thermal Engineer

LSI Corporation
3718 N. Rock Road
Wichita, KS 67226
P# 316.636.8869
F# 316.636.8839

21-Topaz I

I don't know if all the programs brought forth need to be installed but we have been using this freeprogram (also needs ghostscript) for years for our prototype drawings. It is a single executable file that does not need to be installed.

Steve G

I like the freeware program doPDF. No pop-up's and works great.

select doPDF as the printer


Wildfire 2 has pdf and color pdf printer built in. When printing you just need to select the correct plotter.

David Haigh
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