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I have an analysis in whichI am trying toapply a radial load to a curved surface. Pressure will not work as the surface normals are not parallel to the radial dimension. It is a rather odd simulation, but thequestionI am asking is rather straightforward.I am assuming that if I apply a load with itreferenced to a cylindrical coordinate system it will allow me to define an appropriate direction vector to produce the desired radial loading. Anyone know this to be true?
ALSO, anyone know HOWto create acylindrical coordinate system in WF4? I only see how I can create a cartesean coordinate system using an OFFSET definedin cyclindrical terms(r, theata, z) but NOT how to create a cylindrical coordinate system.Searches of theHelp CD and these forumsdid not help. Inthe forums I found severalduplicates of this question (all being answered incorrectly with "set the offesttype box to cylindrical"), but no answers that actually produce a cylindrical coordinate system.