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Dear all,
I'm breraking my head on the followiong:
I want to create a round, but at the ends it needs to be very small... no problem by using transitions?
Only, I selected the IntendEdge for my round path, only I CAN'T seem to control on what part of the edge/path the 'inbetween points' come:
It takes a piece of the intend edge RANDOMLY and says frome here 0.1x to there 0.9x (location) on that small piece of the TOTAL IntendEdge you can add.
Elsewhere, no sorry, if I add an other radius, it pics the same edge/piece, or just an other.... somewhere along the path, grrrr
I have a part a could have mirrored but it is not atm... so I don't even can create the same round on the left and the right because I can't control where the points in between come...
PLEASE HELP, what do I not see, or am I doing wrong of don'tunderstand....
See pic, the intend edge is long, and look where the in between points ar placed
solved: can you add areference instead of a ratio...