My saved orientations are not automatically fitted in in the window. Always the Coordinate System is the center of the view and when model size chenge it is a problem that the model is not completly fit in.
The zoom
I do no know how to change this bahavior.
Have you used any of these functions to address the issue?
Orientation preferences
To Set Orientation Preferences (
Refit view command:
Yes - This refit button works - but I have to press it always by hand after choose a pre definded model orientation. Is there a way to integrate it in the orientation?
Does your model have non-solid features that are far away from the solid geometry? Datum features (points, planes, csys) are considered internally by Creo when determining the model bounds and affect how the display is presented.
Without more information it is hard to say what the issue may be.
When I save a view orientation with the Manage Views -> Orient utility, the view orientation is saved with whatever view scale was on the screen when I saved the orientation. If I save a view with the model zoomed way out, that's what I'll get the next time I recall that view orientation. To "fix" it, I just have to zoom in the way I want it, and save the orientation again.